I'm a full time college student with a part time job I'm going for a BS in Biology.
Ever since I was young, I always loved and admired art with its many forms. I would spend hours upon hours observing the little creatures that would pass by my yard and try to draw them. I mostly did digital and traditional art but recently I've had an obsession with wire art.
I loved them so much that I decided to make my own! I started practicing with my hard wire I used for art projects since I didn't have the proper wire for jewelry making. However, I finally got some for Christmas in 2013 and I rapidly began making my very own wire wrapped jewelry! They're not the best but I work very had to perfect them and care for them like precious jewels.
Most of my trees, or other wire wrapped crafts, will be related to animals, specifically birds, and nature. However, I will throw in favorite anime/manga, games, movies, symbols, music, or anything that catches my eye into the mix!Follow me here (or the following links) for future exclusive sales and discounts!:
Follow me on my other websites for exclusive sales and events!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SerenityWireD...
Tumblr: serenitywiredesigns.tumblr.com/
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/SerenityWireD/
Twitter: twitter.com/SerenityWireD
Instagram: instagram.com/serenitywiredesigns
Storenvy: serenitywiredesigns.storenvy.com/ (Only old or discounted items are here)
My portfolio: serenitywiredesigns.daportfoli...
If you open a shop, please use this link! It gives you 40 free listings!: etsy.me/1ql4pqV