Seraph5's avatar


Fanart forever!!
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The Close Call by Seraph5, literature

And Then There Were Two by Seraph5, literature

Freaky Friday at Beacon Hills High ch3 by Seraph5, literature

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The Close Call by Seraph5, literature

And Then There Were Two by Seraph5, literature

Freaky Friday at Beacon Hills High ch3 by Seraph5, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Traditional Art
  • Australia
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (372)
My Bio

Look alive sunshine. 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit. Your here with me, doctor death defying. i'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter, pumping out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you live. A system failure for the masses. Antimatter for the master plan. louder then gods revolver and twice as shiny. This ones for all you rock n rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies.

LISTEN UP! The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It's time to do it now and do it loud.


Current Residence: Home
Favourite genre of music: Pretty much all exept hard core heavy metal
Favourite photographer: Ansel Adams
Favourite style of art: drawing, writing, dancing
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: itouch
Wallpaper of choice: rockstars/sherlock/supernatural
Favourite cartoon character: many...Bugs Bunny, Prince Akitasha, Wall-E, too many
Personal Quote: Oh hey

Favourite Visual Artist
Dali Tim Burton Andy Warhol
Favourite Movies
Too many to list
Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock, Supernatural, How I met Your Mother, Star Trek, Dexter, Twilight Zone
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
MCR (Active) FOB (Inactive)
Favourite Books
The Book Thief, The Dexter Series, Gentlemen and Players, Hamlet, The Girl Who Played With Fire
Favourite Writers
Markus Zusac
Favourite Games
L.A. Noire, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Assassin's Creed
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Keyboard, wacom, pacer, eraser, ruler
Other Interests
Music, Movies, Art, Comics, Theatre and Cartoons
Hi! Still alive! have been busy doing a graphic design diploma, first full time job, getting a boyfriend (the-zeo) aaaand moving house twice. Wow. Life has her ways eh?
anonymous's avatar
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I'm gonna be mad on every platform tonight cause thats how I feel about it. I'm hitting one of those downward slopes and I know it and yeah wingeing doesn't change anything but neither does anything else. %90 of the time I'm so happy to be a single independent lady trying to carve her way out in the world, buying nerd toys, hanging with friends whenever I please, doing whatever the fuck I want and not having to answer to anybody but myself but occasionally. Just occasionally I get low about being single. It's probably happened only like 3 times this year but it's a bloody bitch when it does happen. So here comes the bitching.   I need to m...
anonymous's avatar
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Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Eeeeeeverything is awesomeeeeeee when you're living the dreeeeeam. 
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 2K

anonymous's avatar
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NekoNewee's avatar
hi Cara! there's still 15 minutes before February 9 here so it's still technically my bandom anniversary. You probably didn't mean to influence my life so much by posting FOB fanart and fanfics but thank you so much for doing that, for exposing me to that fandom. It's become this huge part of my life and it still is. I love it I love being in this community and it's all (coincidentally) because of you. Currently I'm obsessed with twenty one pilots (idk if you're still checking in on FOB and stuff but they're like so entrenched within the bandom canonical bands now. there's rap/poetry in them, very philosophical lyrics, and the bandslash is thriving beautifully) and, I never thought I'd be obsessed with another band since I'm growing up and graduating university soon, but I did and idk I'm happy I get to keep this passion I have for fandoms and yeah. thank you. I hope you're having a good life, friend

Yours truly,
palefire73's avatar
Love your work!! Hug 
Seraph5's avatar
Thank you so much!
NekoNewee's avatar
hi I havent passed by in a while and idk if you're still on this site often (I'm guessing from your activity..not really?) but i just wanted to say hi. I'm still into FOB/bandom but have been branching out a bit to different bands, but im not unfamiliar from some stuff i see you're still into (like spn avengers and the hobbit). I still wanna pay the occasional visit because you're the one who got me into FOB all those years ago after all, haha!

Merry Christmas and have a good one!
gracegibbs98's avatar
thanks for letting me put ur stuff in my group :huggle:
GBMelendez23k's avatar
Hey cara, you must Check this fanfic out, by the way patrick dodgers is the name of patrick stump's alter ego. 
GBMelendez23k's avatar