Illustration commissionseranlynx on DeviantArt

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seranlynx's avatar

Illustration commission



Illustration (full render)

✧headshot: 25$
✧chestup: 35-50$
✧halfbody: 50-70$
✧fullbody: 80-100$
[price including background/extra details fees]


✧additional character: +80%


✧chestup: 25$
✧halfbody: 35-40$
✧fullbody: 50-60$
[price including background/extra details fees]


✧additional character: +80%


How it works: Send me your character details, I will give you a finished illustration fully base on my discretion.
⚠️ You will not receive any sketch or progress update, just the final artwork.

✧chestup: 20$
✧halfbody: 30$
✧fullbody: 40-50$


✧additional character: +50%

Terms of service

I can draw:

- Furry
- Light NSFW
- Detailed clothes, complicated hairstyles,...
- Simple background, simple armor

I can't draw:

- Heavy NSFW, bara
- Heavy mecha, detailed background, complicated poses/perspective


- For commercial commission +20% price.
- Half of the payment is required after the sketch. Paypal only! (つω`。)
- Finishing time: 2 weeks to 1 month (depending on complexity and number of commissions)
- I don't take collaborations or long-term project requests
- I have the right to use your commissioned work as samples and upload them on my public account. If you want your commission to be private please tell me beforehand.

- Visit my carrd for more commission options and samples:

Image size
2948x1965px 433.07 KB
© 2024 - 2025 seranlynx
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