Looking for herSephxlord on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sephxlord/art/Looking-for-her-192417904Sephxlord

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Looking for her



Code Geass

Lelouch - Me :iconsephxlord: (and edit)
Photo by :icondids-91:

I don't think Lulu suits me pretty much, but I like this shot.

For *Dids-91 :heart:
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2896x1944px 812.41 KB
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GideonAppleseed's avatar
hello my fellow Anarkist now is the time too begin our journey towards creative freedom. In this [link] the first videos to help you you gasp our vision, something I'm glad to share to help you get freedom as a artist.
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PS: Don't be afraid too share your thought!