Deviation Actions
"Leela... Lala... No... Nonononono, please no. No."
Art by: https://www.deviantart.com/sophielaurel1/gallery
Based on my crossover AU: https://www.deviantart.com/senshi05/gallery/88141465/miraculous-tales-of-the-jungle-book
Inspired by Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listLiNS6whSC7LllA0X99c4ZXH8iwwyiuWIK
And Miraculous Ladybug: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hc_-3RhOiY
Across multiple universes, those who bear the Peacock Miraculous are cursed to fall one way or another...
"As the Kwami of Emotions, Duusu felt quite possibly the deepest of despair any being could experience.
Alexander and Vermilion's duel for the position of Pack Leader excluded any young cubs that might get the idea to join in, especially if they were cubs of the duelists themselves. Thus Mowgli and Lala were left behind with a rather fevered Leela along with Duusu, the Kwami sent out to make sure all was well.
Mowgli and Lala were a lot more nicer to each other in those days but they never failed to have one of those "My dad could totally beat up your dad" tiffs. Lala was so worked up that she decided to wait for her mother to rest herself before scampering off towards Council Rock on her own.
She had the boneheaded notion that she could step into the match and help her father. However, she got turned around and ended up in the territory of a nasty panther that chased her to the cliffs over looking the Coranora River. Her potent fear were immediately felt by Leela with the Peacock Miraculous, sending the mother wolf into a tearing rush with Duusu trying to keep up.
Leela snatched Lala just in time but found herself cornered on the cliffs with the panther poised to strike. With Duusu out of range, Leela told Lala to run on her mark when their enemy pounced. Her hope was to goad the feline into coming at them and letting them fall off the cliff while they passed underneath. It worked... at first.
The panther's pounce landed it on the very feeble ground that had been weakened by heavy rains the days before and only needed a strong enough impact to crumble away. The panther's weight fit the bill too well while Leela and Lala were too slow to get out of range. Duusu had arrive on time to see her Bearer and cub fall down the cliffside.
The one the pack would name “Leela Fell.”
"LEELA!" the Kwami of Emotion screeched in devastation.
Leela heard Duusu's cry and shook out of the shock of falling. Only seconds to transform herself and save Lala. "Duusu, Spread My-" was all that she could could attempt before a very heavy piece of the cliff knocked into her chest. The untransformed Peacock Pendant took the brunt of it but it still knocked the wind out of her.
Duusu was gripped by a freezing kind of grief when she saw Leela and Lala splash into the strong current. Neither of them resurfaced nor could they be seen. Worst of all was how Duusu felt… nothing. None of their emotional vibes.
Either they were carried out of range or…”
One thing I hope to pull off is giving the Kwami’s more of a POV with the restrictions of a twenty minute runtime not hanging over my head.
I also like to imagine this was Duusu’s reaction to how her Miraculous was adversely affecting Emilie and Mayura.
Can't wait to read the fanfiction