
Night Shifts Too Soon

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SedahLiah's avatar

Literature Text

When I look at you deeply what do I see?
The person you are or I want you to be?
The labored-over argument of ardor,
Should I lift her high or quietly guard her?
Her flaws are not flaws to me, but cause for soft
Attention; the tides that rise and fall, leave coiffed
And polished stones aside, beauty formed by wear.
Is wanting to change what you love ever fair?
To better myself, that I'll never not try,
But to ask of the mirror a new reply...
When I look at you deeply what do I see?
The person you are or I want you to be?

The labored-over argument of ardor,
Should I lift her high or quietly guard her?
It's the echo that's scary when I've said all
I can, yet feel the sense Love begins to pall
When sentiments are spread open eagerly;
Is it waste? Am I a miser meagerly
Clawing for feelings I've longed to see in you?
Am I a bad person for the way I view
Love? Or is it blasphemy to try and quell
My heart's true nature, to say I never fell?
When I look at you deeply what do I see?
The person you are or I want you to be?

Her flaws are not flaws to me, but cause for soft
Attention; the tides that rise and fall, leave coiffed
The bitter run-off that collects in my doubt.
It's Winter and the night shifts too soon, without
You I am all salty skies and stormy cold.
The thought of us warm together again, old,
Comes to linger and I realize I don't
Want to change you; and if I can, well I won't.
Love is purest by pure intentions designed,
Even alone, with love just kept in the mind.
When I look at you deeply what do I see?
The person you are or I want you to be?
Written for DFC 2014! :iconprojectdfc: DFC 2014 IS HERE!

DAY 2:
The form is Licentia

The execution of form isn't perfect, but I try to ask some serious questions in this. Notably toying with the idea of viewing one's significant other as the embodiment of perfection, the nature of what real Love is and why we have the need to define it. Can someone love too hard? Can someone love wrong? Why?
© 2014 - 2025 SedahLiah
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