Favourite Visual Artist
Sam Spratt, Jeremy Sorrell, Ashley Oubre
Favourite Movies
Wizards, Fantastic Planet, Inglourious Bastards, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Prisoners, I Am Not A Hipster, Shut Up And Play The Hits
Favourite TV Shows
Lost, Parks & Recreation, Portlandia, Adventure Time, Firefly, Dollhouse, Chopped, Kill La Kill, Attack On Titan, Soul Eater, Knights of Sidonia
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Magnetic Fields/Future Bible Heroes, The Faceless, Nachtmystium, De De Mouse, Led Zeppelin, Kaki King, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Animals As Leaders, Between The Buried And Me, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Cyminology, The Stylistics, 65dos, Stafraenn Hakon
Favourite Books
House of Leaves, Rant, Faust, Ulysses, A Clockwork Orange, From The Corner Of His Eye, This Is A Book
Favourite Writers
T.S. Eliot, John Donne, Gerard Manley Hopkins, D.H Lawrence, James Joyce, Chuck Palahniuk, Stephin Merritt
Favourite Games
Tabletop games like Pandemic and Tsuro of the Seas, Phone games like Piratron and Scrabble, Video Games like Tekken series and Fallout series
Tools of the Trade
Pen, pencil, gray matter
Other Interests
Being alive and keeping it that way