Hippo Carnival Conga Line by AnyaUribesecretaccount80 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/secretaccount80/art/Hippo-Carnival-Conga-Line-by-AnyaUribe-855206699secretaccount80

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Hippo Carnival Conga Line by AnyaUribe

Character  HippoToken


Art done by :iconanyauribe:

I've been getting back into Yugioh, since the quarantine. "Hippo Carnival" definitely caught my eye, with its anime appearances. Kinda upset they still feel the need to censor Hippos, in the localization. Especially since Gloria from "Madagascar" exists and the Yugioh community isn't predominantly kids anymore.

Since it's more of a group of "characters", like the "Sing" Twerking Bunnies, it's harder to get commissions for them, since that's multiple characters the artist has to draw. So, I asked AnyaUribe for a set, with them including the fourth Hippo Token from "Super Hippo Carnival". She can't make large images, so she gave me transparent solo images of each of them and backgrounds to edit together.
Image size
5200x2833px 713.72 KB
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