Pulqui Racer - F1 Retro Fighter - RearSecap on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/secap/art/Pulqui-Racer-F1-Retro-Fighter-Rear-608609770Secap

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Pulqui Racer - F1 Retro Fighter - Rear



This is a retro concept for a F1 racecar.

For this project I wanted to do something related with the technological history of my country, and decided to create this car using design elements of the Pulqui 1 Jet Fighter, who was in turn designed by a team led by the French engineer Émile Dewoitine.

The airplane role in the history of aviation is quite significant, despite being cancelled in favor of the more advanced Pulqui 2 (i will make another racecar from it too jaja), as it was the first jet combat aircraft developed and built in Argentina and Latin America. This made Argentina the 6th nation in the world to accomplish this task by itself

The vehicle uses the basic styling of the plane fuselage, but adapted to the necessities of the car.
The cockpit was moved forward and enlarged in comparison to the fuselage, the engine is mounted in front of the rear axle, and is refrigerated via the side air vents.
The center annular wing, which serves as the tail of a F1 car, fills two roles, first the upper part helps direct the air over the top of the exposed engine to improve cooling, second, the lower part creates negative lift to keep the car on the track.
The six exhaust pipes converge in the rear jet nozzle, which serves as a dissipator casing.
The car has double fuel filling ports to help in different boxes configurations, one at each side, and the brakes are external to the wheels, encased and ventilated.
Of course this is all conceptual ;)

Details of the Work:
The model was made in Rhinoceros 4.0 and rendered in Keyshot . Postproduction of the logo and disclaimer made in Photoshop.

Hope you like it as much as i do!
Image size
1487x850px 573.27 KB
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MASCH-ART's avatar
top Scene and work, great:) (Smile)