Seattle2064's avatar


585 Watchers

Gang War

Artist // Hobbyist
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DeviantArt Originals: Participated in April Fools' Day 2018
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (6)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (2)
Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
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Favourite Writers
William Gibson and many more
Favourite Games
obviously Shadowrun
Favourite Gaming Platform
Table (PnP), PC
Other Interests
Martial Arts (Aikido)
Nowadays it's quite difficult to promote your own work. So, I decided to try my luck with NFT’s. :) My first NFT collection can be found here. The pieces found there will be mainly based on cyberpunk and Shadowrun related art. If you want to be a collector of original art, give it a try. I will continuously add more pieces to the collection, stay tuned :) ---- Heutzutage ist es ziemlich schwierig die eigenen Arbeiten zu promoten. Aus diesem Grund hab ich mich mal entschieden mein Glück auch mit NFT’s zu versuchen. :) Meine erste NFT-Sammlung könnt ihr hier finden. Die dort zu findenden Arbeiten werden hauptsächlich auf Cyberpunk und Shadowrun bezogene Kunst sein. Wenn ihr gern sammelt, versucht euch ruhig mal. Ich werde die Sammlung kontinuierlich ausbauen und neue Arbeiten hinzufügen, bleibt also dran :)
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After nearly two weeks I decided to close the vote. Here are the results: 1st (Winner): The Deck of lost Places (26.9%) 2nd: Sweet Like Honey (19.2%) 3rd: Chill Time (19.2%) I will start working on the coloration / rendering, as soon as I got some spare time, stay tuned! :)
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New Website

0 min read
Hey Chummers, I'm currently working on my new website for the Shadowrun webcomic Amy, Headshot & a Cat and the spin-off Memory Lane. If you have a few minutes, take a look at it and give me some feedback (e.g. bugs, improvement suggestions, and so on), it would be much appreciated. Test Page:
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Profile Comments 66

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lada97's avatar

Hi, have you received my message in the chat? :)

Spacegryphon's avatar

Thx for the watch, chummer :)

Seattle2064's avatar

It's my pleasure! :)

TheTubich's avatar

Great gallery :D

Seattle2064's avatar

Thx, glad you like it :)

TheTubich's avatar

You are welcome <3

Stay cool :D

And thanks for the llama:dummy: