Octopus LibrarianSeaOfFireflies on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/seaoffireflies/art/Octopus-Librarian-410677306SeaOfFireflies

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

August 19, 2014
Suggester said: "Magical and colorful; this piece is both entertaining and lively.

Octopus Librarian by SeaOfFireflies
Featured by tinybreeann
Suggested by ElindielForestStar
SeaOfFireflies's avatar

Octopus Librarian


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Happy Halloween! I already painted Dracula – so I instead deliver to you an octopus and an eel enthusiastic about reading. Meow :3  There are lots of little details I don't want you to miss, so view it at full size!
Don't forget to like my Facebook page and swing by my website!


Whoa, a DD? What a fantastic surprise! Thank you for all of your lovely supportive comments. You make this artist very happy to do what I do!
If you would like to see more of my work, my website link is above. I also write The Blue Butterfly Blog where I share artsy advice (among other things) that I would appreciate you checking out.

Please do not use my work without my permission, and always link back to the deviation if you distribute this work anywhere. Thank you!
Image size
5100x3300px 9.1 MB
© 2013 - 2025 SeaOfFireflies
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SirenDrake's avatar
Very nice job on that eel.