Chi-Hoo ShrineSeanSoong on DeviantArt

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Chi-Hoo Shrine



Chi-Hoo shrine. This is for " Novoland " magazine created a commercial illustration. Tells the story of a dynasty of the tragic history of East asia.
Many months have not updated. Thanks for my friends always concern. I just graduated, want to go to the United States, USC read the graduate student, what should I do?
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880x1772px 2.37 MB
© 2013 - 2025 SeanSoong
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Rasimu's avatar
Beautiful Concept,

How did you make the Asian Statues to appear so Ancient Like. Cool

I think the main character should not have the snakes or tentacles on him. Instead let him stand up straight with his hands behind his back like he is honorable. Then let the levitating platform come down for him to stand on. Only to be taken up to meet the 5 EAST ASIAN GODS of the Universe. In fact let the readers see them to be human size but allow the statues to be spiritually ethereal.

I would like something like this except have the statues represent: African, Asian, Latin, and European/Caucasian.

Could you train me. LOL ...........