Time (a drop in the ocean)seanpt on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/seanpt/art/Time-a-drop-in-the-ocean-524353722seanpt

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seanpt's avatar

Time (a drop in the ocean)



I would really encourage downloading this to look at the details.
The image consists of 1225 (35x35) individually drawn squares. Each is its own image, coming together to create a whole image.

A very meaningful piece to me. I've been chipping away at it for around 3 months now, and decided that this was the right time to finish it off.
This image is very much about process; about each individual square, and each individual moment.

If anyone is interested in purchasing this, please note me.

9 x 9
Pigma Micron Pens on Bristol Board

Price: $600
Image size
2940x2904px 5.69 MB
anonymous's avatar
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isaacalex007's avatar

This is really amazing man 💗

Your work is.