Seagryph's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Papertalons's avatar
sorry it took me so long to finally ask about this-
I have a couple of questions.

so am I an official designer?
is there a trait(s) sheet that I can go off of?
do you want to me to pay you a certain fee for every adopt I sell?

thx for taking the time to answer my questions, and super sorry for taking so long to get back to you about this stuff
LittleUwU99's avatar
CryoTheIceblock's avatar

I only saw this now!!

Th3P0tat0man's avatar
If you want help for a visual trait guide, I’ll gladly do it! I’ll join the group later (when I get on my computer) but if you DO want me to do the guide, just send me a note or a chat-message with a list of traits.

Hope you’re safe!
CryoTheIceblock's avatar
That would be great! Sorry I didn’t see this till just now!