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Horse - Talia
Rider: Laurel Avery of Avery Hills Farm
Event hosted on Instagram
The night was upon them, the show gaining speed. The host barn had been decorated to match the theme, shiny silver stars and streamers, crisp midnight blues, and stunning golds to contrast. Laurel felt as if she had been transported to Velaris the moment she had stepped out of the truck.
The Nightcourt Reining show was one for the books- she was sure of it.
Laurel had taken Talia out alone this time- leaving Jace at home to watch the foals. Never mind the nerves building inside (the ones Jace always chased away) She didn't go alone to shows very much anymore, but it would be fine. She'd be matter how much she wished Jace was here...even if just to run grab her some fries....or a milkshake. But oh well. She'd do this one event, crash for an hour or so in the truck, and be home before sundown the next day. The foals needed that attention more than her uncertain ego did.
Talia was grumpy from the moment Laurel lead her off the trailer, which was very unusual for the roan mare. Usually she'd be energetic and excited to see their new surroundings. She'd usually make friends with at least one nearby horse. But tonight, the mare seemed hell-bent on avoiding everyone but Laurel. She kept her eyes locked on her human the whole time, following her around the trailer for as long as her rope would allow.
The mare let out a warning squeal, pinning her ears as a rambunctious young gelding trotted within arm's reach of Laurel. She was really trying for the stereotypical red mare status today. - Laurel wasn't sure what was going on with her horse, but all she could do was get her dressed for the show and hope for the best.
Talia was tacked up in her dark colored saddle and bridle, a set of midnight blue leg wraps, and a custom saddle pad with Velaris's iconic mountain range painted on the side. (The same saddle she spent countless hours hand painting and gluing rhinestones on.) Laurel was sticking to the theme today, smearing pretty blue and silver glitter all down her horse's neck, shoulders, and butt. Talia gave her a lazy look as she smeared the last of the glitter on her, but didn't protest. This wasn't her first time with the body glitter. She gently reached back, nuzzling into Laurel's stomach before turning her attention back to the people bustling about them.
Laurel wasn't as dressed up as she could have been, but she decided to channel her inner Rhys and opted for an all-black outfit. The top was sheer and sparkly in all the best ways. She'd of course, worn a tank top underneath...this was a family friendly show after all. She secured her favorite part of their look to the back of Talia's saddle and prepared for the event. "There we go,'s almost show time" she murmured as she shared the snack she'd packed with Talia before mounting up. She'd been so hungry lately...
Talia's mood was gone as soon as they stepped foot in the arena, proving to Laurel just how incredible she was. They spun and showed off for the crowd, the little Suriel plush bouncing from the back of the saddle - tea in hand.