Sora chibiScruffyeevee on DeviantArt

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Sora chibi



I got it! Because they don't say exactly what grass tanuki's do in :icontanuki-legacy: , I made Sora have custom Grass type powers! :icondragoninsane:
I have to write these down so i won't forget it though :icondragonerrplz:

:bulletgreen: Sora can control the plants around him, but only a certain radius and he gets really tired after this.
:bulletgreen: As I said in his app, the plants he touches either grow or die, depending on his mood!
:bulletgreen: Being a grass type, he can also heal! Buuuuut, He can only heal when it's sunny outside
:bulletgreen: -More will come when I think of them!- :bulletgreen:
Image size
800x800px 90.1 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Scruffyeevee
Rieneko's avatar
S-sooo cuuute XD
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