Art Trades: Mutuals only
Requests: Never
Commissions: Sorry, no
Hello there. The name's Devin, formerly known as DreamCasterthePegasus. Although, most of you know me as ScoutEevee on the internet.
I have a disorder called Autism, which is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
I'm usually a shy and calm guy in the real world, and I might not be able to talk to some people or understand what they're saying sometimes.
As for my passion on what I do, I create Pokemon SFM posters, collect retro video games for a range of different systems, and working my butt off with college work and sports for Special Olympics.
Today's my birthday
Hello, I was wondering if you could please check out my youtube video called premier pokeball unboxing!
Adorable Eevee wants a PokéPuff?
Hi! I love your Pokémon OCs and fanfiction! I would like to make you a simple OC fanart. If that's allowed, which OC should I make a fanart of?
Thank you for the fav!