ScoutEevee's avatar


Team Swifters! Ready to engage!
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The Spectacular Adventures of Loren Easton

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 7 (Finale) by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 6 by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 5 by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 4 by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 3 by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 2 by ScoutEevee, literature

Fierce Grips that snatch hats - Part 1 by ScoutEevee, literature

Audition to Fight - Part 7 (Finale) by ScoutEevee, literature

Audition to Fight - Part 6 by ScoutEevee, literature

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Team Fiery Geysers

PMD - TFG: Chapter 1 - Part 3 by ScoutEevee, literature

PMD - TFG: Chapter 1 - Part 2 by ScoutEevee, literature

PMD - TFG: Chapter 1 - Part 1 by ScoutEevee, literature

PMD - Team Fiery Geysers - Preview by ScoutEevee, literature

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Across the Divide Chapter 11: Page 9
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Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (7)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (2)
Bleeding Love
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (11)
Whipped Cream
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Gold Bar
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Bronze Fragment
Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Follow me on
Trick-or-Treat: Someone thought you deserved a treat! (7)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (2)
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (11)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Art Trades: Mutuals only

Requests: Never

Commissions: Sorry, no

Hello there. The name's Devin, formerly known as DreamCasterthePegasus. Although, most of you know me as ScoutEevee on the internet.

I have a disorder called Autism, which is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

I'm usually a shy and calm guy in the real world, and I might not be able to talk to some people or understand what they're saying sometimes.

As for my passion on what I do, I create Pokemon SFM posters, collect retro video games for a range of different systems, and working my butt off with college work and sports for Special Olympics.

Favourite TV Shows
Pokemon, Cowboy Bebop, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Bluey, Numerous Game Shows
Favourite Games
Team Fortress 2, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Animal Crossing, Pokemon Unite
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, PlayStation 1, 2, 3, and 4, Sega DreamCast, Nintendo 64, Wii, DS, 3DS, and Switch
Tools of the Trade
GIMP 2, Lenovo PC Laptop, Source Filmmaker
Other Interests
Playing sports in Special Olympics
Technically, the story isn't starting just yet. I have some comms related to it that will be posting for the next couple of days. Stay tuned for those to come!
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Starting tomorrow... A new story begins...
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To everyone, please be aware of a certain user named @NightcapEevee96Back He’ll do nothing but make numerous requests involving Pokémon In nightcaps continuously and he might come back with alt accounts if you decide to block him. Regardless, block his and all of other alt accounts if you come across them.
anonymous's avatar
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The Fan Art section!

All of these fantastic gifts/commissions/requests/trades that these fine folks made for me.

[COMMISSION] Loren jumps
Loren! (Art Trade)
Loren! (Comm)
[COMMISSION] Alisa and Sydney
Commission from scouteevee
She's planning mischief (Cute Sylveon fanart)
Clair (Comm)
[COMMISSION] Clair The Shiny Glaceon
Commission 26 - Sai Jager the Umbreon
[Commission] Rock
Commission to ScoutEevee
Do you have to turn into a Sylveon just to hug me?
[COMMISSION] Maxi and Kates
Comm: Eevee
George and Komono training (Comm)
[COMMISSION] Underwater Exploration
Waka waka waka (Gift)
Comm: Kite Easton the Jolteon
Comm: Jack the Samurott
Comm: Absol the explorer
For ScoutEevee

Llama Farm

Profile Comments 702

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Meow-Meow321's avatar

Hello, I was wondering if you could please check out my youtube video called premier pokeball unboxing!

Adorable Eevee wants a PokéPuff?

Wayrad1's avatar

Hi! I love your Pokémon OCs and fanfiction! I would like to make you a simple OC fanart. If that's allowed, which OC should I make a fanart of?

imperialfelids's avatar

Thank you for the fav!