scottybad's avatar


scott badovick
46 Watchers31 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: San Francisco-L.A.
Favourite photographer: helmut newton, I'M IN LOVE WITH ELLEN VON UNWORTH
Operating System: OSX Tiger
Personal Quote: go with what you know

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Brian Jonestown Massacare
Tools of the Trade
kodak DCS Pro
Other Interests
stealing souls
i have a new website hosted thingy called creative has some other stuff i do along with the fashion stuff that you see here + my resume and a little about what i do.. cheers!
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 24

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eduardoburger's avatar

I am the Publisher of a Brazilian PDF magazine of design and arts called WOOF!Magazine.
It is launched every two months and each issue brings a theme; the theme for next issue is porn art.
WOOF!Magazine is a non-profit project and we have to inform that your picture you'll be credited as a collaboration, but we won't be able to pay for it.
The magazine a personal project of myself and I take my free time to produce it with the help of other artists, designers, illustrators and anyone who make any kind of art and everything that is related to it.
To know more about woof and get its past issues, please, follow this link: [link]
You can see WOOF!Magazine's flash version at Issuu:
Soon WOOF's english version and the new website.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Magazine's format.

Simple page: 24 cm x 17 cm
Double page: 24 cm x 34 cm

150 dpi.


Best wishes,
Eduardo Burger
royallyfucked's avatar
hello there!
wonderful gallery, really!
teneke's avatar
great gallery :clap:
dustekdustek's avatar
shit! ure good.
love to watch..
Hello again,
We understand you and your situation completly. But thank you for your response. We will keep looking for somebody else

Kind regards

I and my partner are thinking about establishing our own firm (in Denmark). An online-firm where we offer people beauty tips, beauty magazines, personal shoppers, in general we offer people help how to get a whole new look! We were wondering if we could please use some of your pictures for our firm's website or perhaps if you are interrested, you could perhaps take some pictures for our website? We think your pictures are incredible. Of course as we all know that when one begins to establish a firm, one does not have a big amount of money for disposal, so therefore unfortunately we can not offer you money for your pictures. But we can offer to write your name under the pictures (if we are allowed to use them) on our website. This could perhaps be a good promotion for you in Denmark. If you are interrested please contact me at:
Looking forward to hear from you.


victoriablue's avatar
I'm not sure where in the US you are, but I'd love to work with you!