[Adoptable] Kuchuna the Mightyena {Charpool}Scorpianpp on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

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[Adoptable] Kuchuna the Mightyena {Charpool}



Kuchuna means "to cut / knife or blade" in Incan

Upon acquisition, ownership of the design, character, and overall image becomes exclusive to you.

You have the privilege of posting it anywhere you desire. This entails:

✅ You will be the sole owner of an unwatermarked, high-resolution copy.

✅ Scorpianpp will immediately generate a Character Sheet for the Character (Which can be purchased for $1), as well as NSFW art, and give the character an AI-Generated-Voice

✅ You will have access to the prompt and seed that generated the character for easy character manipulation.

✅ You are free to utilize it for personal or commercial purposes (resale, gifting, renaming, design alterations, etc.).

✅ You own the creative concept of the character, but please note that the species itself belongs to Nintendo, as it is part of their intellectual property.

✅ Watermark will be removed Upon Purchase

✅ This character will be added to Scorpianpp's character pool - meaning that this character will be generated with his other characters periodically doing various tasks/performing actions.

  • Wildcard

  • Conquered Tribes (12 of 15)

Image size
2667x4000px 1.02 MB
Created using AI tools
anonymous's avatar
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