ScarlettRandomQueen's avatar


Hell's Reject
15 Watchers44 Deviations

Hello all, mainly writing this so I can make good use of the free premium membership today (meaning uber cool skins =P), but also because I like the sound of my own virtual voice ;)

Not much has changed with me really, except that I turned 18 on 1st January, meaning that I'm officially an adult. Yay, go me for surviving 18 years :clap: However, I'm still very much suffering the evils of teenage life: school, teachers, A levels, exams, coursework, drama. Well not so much on the last one, but it makes my life sound so much more exciting if I say it :D And what do you think, have I magically become a responsible human being? Pfft of course not :lmao: I can reassure you that I am just as annoying, immature and childish as before. The only difference is that I can now add alcohol to the mix :D

On a more serious note, I have to do english coursework on two novels on my own choice. Any suggestions? I have to be able to compare them, therefore they should share some sort of theme, style or characteristic. Also, this is an interesting way to see who actually reads this....

So until next time, happy new year, happy birthday (to me!) and happy whatever it is you're all doing :w00t:

PS. Sorry about not uploading or making any reference to art, I've been really, really busy, honest!

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Idle hands...

2 min read
If 'Idle hands are the devil's playthings' then busy people are more devilish to make up their lack of misdeeds. Or maybe that's just me.... ;P

Yes so I'm back at sixth form, still doing four A-levels (as my lack of frees persistently remind me..) and consequently very, very busy! Hence the lack of art :ashamed: Hopefully inspiration will strike me so hard I simply cannot stop myself uploading something new, and I'm an optimist, so here's hoping! :fingerscrossed: If nothing else, my blog is still going rather well, which is what I wanted to talk about actually. I'm aware I do have some fans SHOCK/HORROR I.e. friends who want to keep an eye on my mental stability. But for any watchers or general deviants who wander onto my page who haven't checked out my blog, please do!! It's a long shot but you might even find it interesting! And I'm much better at regularly updating it than my dA, honest!

Anyway, time to get back to lots of work. Yay....

Btw my blog is at

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No, this is not an early warning call of a zombie apocalypse. Although wouldn't that be awesome. *Sigh* No the disease I am referring to is bloggitus, and manifests itself in the form of people creating accounts and writing what they think about the world. SHOCK/HORROR! I have caught said disease. SHOCK/HORROR AGAIN! Seeing as I have more followers on here, it makes sense to spread the disease deviantly. Please click the link to be infested in a non-bacterial way on a hopefully regular basis. Enjoy.

Very Dangerous and Toxic! Do Not Open! Just joking, please click me :)

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Hi. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm terrible at using DA. :ashamed: Even if my laptop died. And my computer didn't work. Guess I'm not particularly good with technology either. :pc: :chainsaw: Hmm.

Anyway. I've uploaded some not-so-bad-even-if-I-do-say-so-myself pieces, and even if I have no real motivation to carry on with the last story I was adamant to finish (must try harder :facepalm:) I have a new one that I definitely will finish this time. Ish. Hopefully. Hmm.

So I'll try and keep uploading some half decent thingies, and maybe I'll actually improve a little! :winner: :w00t:

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I haven't actually been anywhere, but I have been a terrible DA ownery person and have been neglecting my profile :O But no more!
I've uploaded the first chapter of a story I'm working on, and actually (OMG OMG OMG!!) intend to FINISH !! :w00t:

My page also now looks very colourful and amazing with its groups and webcam and ID widgets. I'm practically an expert! Now if only I could make my work look as finished and perfect... :D

Hopefully I'll write another journal in less than a years time, you can tell I have high ambitions!


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Devious Journal Entry by ScarlettRandomQueen, journal

Idle hands... by ScarlettRandomQueen, journal

The Disease is Spreading by ScarlettRandomQueen, journal

Friends, Romans... by ScarlettRandomQueen, journal

I'm back!! Sortof XD by ScarlettRandomQueen, journal