ScarlettRandomQueen's avatar


Hell's Reject
16 Watchers44 Deviations

The House by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

Headed for a Fall by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

Lines by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

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Headed for a Fall by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

The House by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

Lines by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

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Dante's Inferno, What's the Worst that Can Happen? by techgnotic, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Lines by ScarlettRandomQueen, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (451)
My Bio

Hi. Grace here. Welcome to my happy insane little world here in St. Neots, in the UK. It's filled with bubbles, cat hair, basset hounds and twiglets. Yaaaaaaaay! :D (Big Grin)

Likes: Red and white spotted stuff, popcorn, clocks, insane thunderstorms, being an optimist and causing mischief =P (Razz)
Dislikes: Boring people, Disney princesses, mustangs and too much pink Stabbed with a Fork!
Loves: My music, books, my family, my friends and laughing w00t!

In my head I'm a kickass novelist-rock star-therapist-ninja-super hero\>. Don't let the lack of height fool you. I'm after world domination Mwahahahahahahaha! :D (Big Grin)

Take a look around and have some fun =P (Razz)

Current Residence: St. Neots, Cambridgeshire, England
Favourite genre of music: Anything & everything - although its usually something alternative :D (Big Grin) CURSE YOU!
Favourite style of art: Prose
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: My 5th generation nano :) (Smile)
Favourite cartoon character: Snoopy or Gir
Personal Quote: "Average is boring!" "I like being crazy, it keeps me sane" :D (Big Grin)

Favourite Movies
Breakfast at Tiffanys, Becoming Jane, The Lion King, 27 Dresses, Jane Austen Book Club, The Breakfast Club, any Monty Python film
Favourite TV Shows
Being Human, Russell Howard's Good News, Friends, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Top Gear, Silent Witness
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Gavin Degraw, Fall Out Boy, The Midnight Beast, All Time Low, Nickelback, Tyler Hilton, Black Stone Cherry
Favourite Books
Currently: Noughts and Crosses, Falling Leaves, I Coriander, The Secret Countess, Never Let Me Go, The VA series, Wuthering Heights
Favourite Writers
Malorie Blackman, Richelle Mead, Sally Gardner, Eva Ibboston, Adeline Yen Mah, Kazuo Ishiguro, Oscar Wilde
Favourite Games
'It' :D
Tools of the Trade
Word and Photoshop :D
Other Interests
Reading, music, animals, genealogy, and I'm currently studying History, English Literature, Religious Studies and Psychology at A-Level
Hello all, mainly writing this so I can make good use of the free premium membership today (meaning uber cool skins =P), but also because I like the sound of my own virtual voice ;)Not much has changed with me really, except that I turned 18 on 1st January, meaning that I'm officially an adult. Yay, go me for surviving 18 years :clap: However, I'm still very much suffering the evils of teenage life: school, teachers, A levels, exams, coursework, drama. Well not so much on the last one, but it makes my life sound so much more exciting if I say it :D And what do you think, have I magically become a responsible human being? Pfft of course not...
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Idle hands...

0 min read
If 'Idle hands are the devil's playthings' then busy people are more devilish to make up their lack of misdeeds. Or maybe that's just me.... ;PYes so I'm back at sixth form, still doing four A-levels (as my lack of frees persistently remind me..) and consequently very, very busy! Hence the lack of art :ashamed: Hopefully inspiration will strike me so hard I simply cannot stop myself uploading something new, and I'm an optimist, so here's hoping! :fingerscrossed: If nothing else, my blog is still going rather well, which is what I wanted to talk about actually. I'm aware I do have some fans SHOCK/HORROR I.e. friends who want to keep an ...
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No, this is not an early warning call of a zombie apocalypse. Although wouldn't that be awesome. *Sigh* No the disease I am referring to is bloggitus , and manifests itself in the form of people creating accounts and writing what they think about the world. SHOCK/HORROR! I have caught said disease. SHOCK/HORROR AGAIN! Seeing as I have more followers on here, it makes sense to spread the disease deviantly. Please click the link to be infested in a non-bacterial way on a hopefully regular basis. Enjoy. Very Dangerous and Toxic! Do Not Open! Just joking, please click me :)
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Profile Comments 416

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shapshapy's avatar
Happy Birthday :party:
anj100's avatar
thanks for the fave :iconthnxfavplz:
its appreciated
scarlet-cullen's avatar
Thank you for the fave! :hug:
ScarlettRandomQueen's avatar
You're welcome, you're writing's great and I thought it was a sweetly written and thoughtful piece :)
iainramsaycom's avatar
Thanks for the fave!
ScarlettRandomQueen's avatar
You're welcome, the character on the right reminds me of the guy in the dungeon in Monty Python's Holy Grail :D Keep up the great work! :boogie: