
Cuphead Crossover Prologue

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Disclaimer: I do not own One piece, Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

The chorus began to the play intro song

Well, Luffy and his sister Jade

They like to roll the dice

By chance they came upon Naraku's game and, god, they paid the price

Paid the price

And now they're fighting for their lives on a mission fraught with dread

And if they proceed but don't succeed

Well... Naraku will take their heads

As the song ended which the story begins with a storybook called Luffy Don't Deal with Naraku which it opens the first page of the story.

Once upon a time there was a magical place called Multiverse Isle, there were a brother and a sister named Monkey D Luffy and Nico Jade.

As the two lived without a care under the watchful eye of their Grandfather Monkey D Garp.

One Day the two wandered off from and despite Garp's warnings ended up on the wrong side of the tracks and enter the Demon's Casino.

Inside Luffy and Jade soon found themselves on a winning streak at the Dice gambling table.

"Well I be Damned!" Bankotsu exclaimed who is the casino's sleazy manger

"These two can't lose." Bankotsu replied.

"Nice run you two." A random demon added.

The Straw Hat and the black widow ninja gasped when they see someone approached them. It was the Casino's owner The Spider Demon Naraku himself.

"Now, how about we raise the stakes." Naraku replied with a smirk and shows them two dice in his hand.

"Win one more roll and all the loot in my casino is yours, But if you lose. I'll have your souls. So do we have a deal?" Naraku asked.

Luffy who was blinded by easy riches, nodded and grabbed the dices for a throw.

"Ah Crap Luffy No!!" Jade shouted as she knows what kind of danger that her brother is into but it was too late.

Suddenly the dice rolled onto Snake eyes which they ended up losing which Naraku laughed evilly.

"Snake Eyes! You lose." Naraku laughed as the siblings trembled in fear as the spider demon loomed over them.

"Now how about your souls." Naraku replied.

Luffy and Jade began pleading for their lives before Naraku takes their souls.

Is there alternative way to repay you after losing?" Jade asked.

"Yes, please, mister." Luffy cried as Naraku has an idea for them.

"Maybe... perhaps there is." Naraku answered as he pulls out a contract which he informs the two.

"I have a list of those who betrayed and went off. Collect their souls for me and I just might let you two live." Naraku replied.

Outside of the Demon's Casino the Spider demon kicks the Straw Hat and the black widow ninja out.

"Now get going!!!" Naraku shouted as Luffy and Jade were forced rudely by him.

"You two have til midnight tomorrow to collect every single of their souls. Otherwise I'll be the one collecting yours!!" Naraku exclaimed.

Now Luffy and Jade frightened and don't know what to do. Jade was now pissed at Luffy for everything that happened.

"I'm not ready to have my life taken away! Why did I do that. Oh my God what are we going to do Jade!!" Luffy cried as Jade grabs him by red vest with her hands.

"What the hell were you thinking. What on earth made you think that was a good idea?" Jade asked.

"Money." Luffy answered.

"Money?!" Jade shouted.

"Jade. I'm sorry...I" Before Luffy apologize to his sister which Jade was still angry at him.

"No no no Luffy. You always do this!  You always put us into danger and then just say sorry. Now our lives are at stake now because of your greed and inability to your brain for once! Hope you're proud of yourself!" Jade shouted as she and Luffy went off home to find their Grandfather and won't forgive her brother for what he did.

Sorry about the long wait. I have trying to figure which crossover stories I should make and finally landed on this video game.

Nico Jade (c) Scarletokami75

Bleach (c) Title Kubo

Naruto (c) Masashi Kishimoto

One piece (c) Eiichiro Oda

Inuyasha (c) Rumiko Takahashi

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (c) Koyoharu Gotouge
© 2022 - 2025 ScarletOkami75
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