Silent DreamsScarheart76 on DeviantArt

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Silent Dreams



Nightmares come all too easy to the colt, forgotten as he awakens, the terror lingering. However, there is in his dreams a sanctuary where he is surrounded by those who matter the most to him. This is his lone bastion of hope against the tide of darkness in the Land of Dreams.

MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Okay, first time I've tried drawing a tree in years. I think I pulled it off. I wanted to work on my backgrounds as well, keeping it simple until I can get comfortable with them. It's a lake with a hill side for the background. It's supposed to be a wasteland with the tree the one safe place Silent can go when the nightmares come. I think I pulled it off, but there's obvious improvements I can make with time and proper adjustment.

I think I'll start working on Luna next. She's my second best pony.
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© 2013 - 2025 Scarheart76
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Deer-Hunter01's avatar
Night Star the Scholar here... I didn't know you could draw.

Yup! The tree did come good. Keep up the good works!