Take My Heartsaylem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/saylem/art/Take-My-Heart-658780166saylem

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saylem's avatar

Take My Heart



This is a redo of an old piece I used to like and have since tried to improve over the years. I think I have a bit but I still have a waaaaays to go LOL! :D (Big Grin)  Thank you so much for taking a look! Heart La la la la 
Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Black 
Bullet; Black 
Notes 1810s

Emily Harrison doesn't have the easiest life. She has lost her mother to violent circumstances, she has a difficult man of a father who is a werewolf and can be terrifying and she's always worried about losing him too, she secretly takes care of a close friend who is ill and no one knows that but her, she has feelings for two different guys and is conflicted about that, she's often overlooked in a room - she basically helps everyone but herself and holds a lot in. The result is that Emily is often more quiet and a little sad. She has a big and tender heart for others but their suffering can get to her. :| (Blank Stare) 

Roderick has held a candle for her for some time and tries to express his feelings for her often but she usually manages to block his advances. This always leaves him flummoxed. 

One spring day while Emily is on her way to give goods to her ill friend, Roderick runs after her seeing that she is in a hurry without a bonnet and ignoring his calls to her. He catches up to her and asks where she is going when it was starting to rain. He saw her crying and immediately begins to comfort her. Roderick only wanted Emily's happiness restored. 

She didn't know why, but she began to pour her heart out to the reverend as he just let her sorrow bleed out in the rain. Heart 

Characters belong to me! 
Image size
916x982px 349.44 KB
© 2017 - 2025 saylem
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AnnaKellsveden's avatar
Ah, this is just wonderfully romantic and touching! The scene itself is enough to completely melt my heart but with the story added to it I adore it even more! Poor Emily! 😢 I feel very much for her, and the way you describe what happens in this scene makes me hoping that her life will be a happier one later on ☺ I want to know what happens next! 😁