Star Fox SNES - AFiS Stylesaxguygb on DeviantArt

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Star Fox SNES - AFiS Style



I decided to do this as a challenge to see if I could recreate the title screen on the original Star Fox SNES game with the characters drawn mainly like in the Star Fox web series A Fox in Space.

I used several reference photos to draw this, mainly stills from episode 1 of A Fox in Space and of course, a still of the title screen on the SNES game. Slippy's design is mainly like AFiS, but partially like the title screen. 

I was going to drawn an arwing in the background, but I decided against it because this was already a lot of work. The colours of the text are from the original title screen. The background is a generic space background I found online and edited with a zoom blur effect. This is the first digital design I've done without a gradient background since my Brian on 'Law & Order' design.

This was a ton of work, but I'm quite pleased with the results.

Pencil Drafts: click here

Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad, Fox McCloud and Peppy Hare belong to Star Fox & Nintendo
AFiS style belongs to A Fox in Space & Matthew Gafford
Image size
635x500px 184.26 KB
© 2017 - 2025 saxguygb
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