Left Shark Costumesaxguygb on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/saxguygb/art/Left-Shark-Costume-707771399saxguygb

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Left Shark Costume



I decided to sketch a photo of me dressed as Left Shark from last Halloween for something a little different and because Halloween is approaching. The photo I used was one that my Mom took of me when I was at her place last year handing out candy.

I didn't know what/who Left Shark was until I saw this costume online, then I checked out a video clip of the Katy Perry Halftime Show and learned about the character. It was just some dancer in a shark costume that forgot his moves and just started doing his own thing. Apparently, that's worthy of being a viral sensation which is fine, but I guess if the inflatable t-rex costume can be a very popular internet thing, then Left Shark can.

This is one of my simpler designs, but I like how it came out.

Pencil Drafts: click here

Left Shark costume is owned by Costume Agent
Image size
271x500px 79.47 KB
© 2017 - 2025 saxguygb
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