Fara Phoenix - AFiS Stylesaxguygb on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/saxguygb/art/Fara-Phoenix-AFiS-Style-705382411saxguygb

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Fara Phoenix - AFiS Style



Prior to watching the live-streams of A Fox in Space, I had never heard of many of the characters from the Star Fox franchise as I've only played the original SNES version. I knew about some of the characters that weren't in the first game, but Fara Phoenix wasn't one of them.

This shot of her is from a file with drawings of all of the different characters in A Fox in Space that occasionally shows up on the live-streams. 

This wasn't too terribly hard to sketch. The biggest hurdles were the eyebrows and the ears, but I got them completed to my satisfaction.

Pencil Drafts: click here

Fara Phoenix belongs to Star Fox and Nintendo
AFiS Style belongs to Matthew Gafford and A Fox in Space
Image size
352x500px 85.47 KB
© 2017 - 2025 saxguygb
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