Hi!^^ I'm SaxGirl92
Some info-stuff about me:
Height: 6' (Yes I know, I'm like really tall o.o')
Fave colour: lilac / purple^^
Fave movies: HP & LOTR
Fave books: HP, The Quickening & The Trinity trilogies (by Fiona McIntosh)
Fave writer: Fiona McIntosh
Fave anime: Avatar: The last Airbender
Fave bands: Within Temptation/Delain/Evanescence/Nightwish/Paramore
Fave music style: Gothic Rock / (Symphonic, or Melodic Death) Metal / Alternative
Passion: music!
Hobbies: playing the soprano saxophone and the piano, singing, listening to music, drawing, reading, shopping^^
Motto: Music is life! A day without music is a day without life.
Other: I am a really friendly person, if I may say so myself. I'm a little shy though...o.o' I love helping people out with things!^^
You can also find me on www.theotaku.com/portfolio/saxgirl ^^
Favourite genre of music: Gothic Rock
Favourite style of art: Fantasy
MP3 player of choice: Creative Zen Mozaic
Wallpaper of choice: Depends on my mood
Skin of choice: Tanned - bwahahahXD
Favourite cartoon character: Too many
Personal Quote: Music is life! A day without music is a day without life.