SaxGirl92's avatar


Loves to give/get feedback!<3
36 Watchers47 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (76)
My Bio

Hi!^^ I'm SaxGirl92 =) (Smile)

Some info-stuff about me:

Height: 6' (Yes I know, I'm like really tall o.o')
Fave colour: lilac / purple^^
Fave movies: HP & LOTR :D (Big Grin)
Fave books: HP, The Quickening & The Trinity trilogies (by Fiona McIntosh)
Fave writer: Fiona McIntosh
Fave anime: Avatar: The last Airbender
Fave bands: Within Temptation/Delain/Evanescence/Nightwish/Paramore
Fave music style: Gothic Rock / (Symphonic, or Melodic Death) Metal / Alternative
Passion: music!
Hobbies: playing the soprano saxophone and the piano, singing, listening to music, drawing, reading, shopping^^
Motto: Music is life! A day without music is a day without life.
Other: I am a really friendly person, if I may say so myself. I'm a little shy though...o.o' I love helping people out with things!^^

You can also find me on ^^

Favourite genre of music: Gothic Rock
Favourite style of art: Fantasy
MP3 player of choice: Creative Zen Mozaic
Wallpaper of choice: Depends on my mood:P (Lick)
Skin of choice: Tanned - bwahahahXD
Favourite cartoon character: Too many :P (Lick)
Personal Quote: Music is life! A day without music is a day without life.

Favourite Visual Artist
Suzanne Gildert
Favourite Movies
Harry Potter, LOTR
Favourite TV Shows
MythBusters, Big Bang Theory, House
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Within Temptation, Muse
Favourite Books
HP, 'Trinity' & 'The Quickening' trilogies
Favourite Writers
Fiona McIntosh
Favourite Games
AdventureQuest (online RPG)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom Intuos 3, watercolor pencils, Indian ink
Other Interests
Music (listening, singing and playing the -soprano- saxophone, piano and flute), reading, writing (mostly poetry)
Hello everyone!:wave:I think my journal updates are becoming more of a DA-update thing than personal updates... Oh well, I don&#039;t think I have anything better to talk about anyway:&#039;) Cause stuff is much the same as usual around here, so yeah...Anyway, the real point of this post is of course to tell you that I&#039;ve just submitted another print!^^ Some of you may have seen the piece, it&#039;s my photomanipulation named &quot;Quest&quot;:):thumb303333045:Also, I just noticed that all prints have a 20% discount at the moment, so grab your chance if you wanna get my prints cheaper;) lol. So far I&#039;m afraid no-one has really showed interest in my prints... I&#039;m h...
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Hello everyone!:)First off: I want to thank everyone who has voted on my T shirt design ( and/or helped spread the word about it!^^ So special shoutouts to 3 people: klein-framboosje :iconklein-framboosje: Linoria :iconLinoria: Wild-spirit-wolfgirl :iconwild-spirit-wolfgirl: Thanks again!:D If you&#039;ve voted, please tell me: you&#039;ll get a llama and a shoutout in my next journal!:love: (There&#039;s 5 days left to vote now!;))In other news, I have submitted some more prints:D The one I&#039;m most proud of is the redo I did of my first photomanipulation, which I did for the purpose of making it i...
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Hello everyone!:wave:I&#039;m incredibly busy this weekend because of everything that I have to do for Uni, but also because I&#039;m great at underestimating things and I have taken up writing a huge text for my job:XD: And still I found some time to create a new T-shirt design for DA&#039;s typography contest - I figured I&#039;d have to, because it turns out the first one didn&#039;t exactly comply with all the rules... Oops^^; Anyway, I like this one better myself:)I hope you&#039;ll take a few seconds to check it out, tell me what you think and perhaps even vote for it!:woohoo: I&#039;d also appreciate it IMMENSELY if you&#039;d share this with your subscribers/followers/fr...
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Profile Comments 273

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Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D
Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D (Big Grin)
birthdays's avatar
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's June 3rd which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year! Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love: 

--- Birthdays Team 
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: TaNa-Jo
wishlistgiveaways's avatar
Thank you so much for the :+devwatch:! We appreciate the support. :heart:
wishlistgiveaways's avatar
:woohoo:It's your :spotlight-left:birthday:spotlight-right:!
Enjoy your cake :cake: with lots of friends & family! :community: :party: