CS: HempSavoDraws-Adopts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/savodraws-adopts/art/CS-Hemp-858736652SavoDraws-Adopts

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CS: Hemp



knife icon(f2u) by Cimsos Free Avatar: Sun by apparate :iconcamp-sunshine:  Free Avatar: Sun by apparate knife icon(f2u) by Cimsos

Name: Hemp

Gender: Male

Age: 24
Home Country/Town: Pine Crest, Washington

Counselor Specialty: Equipment Check-Out Manager

Stats: STR (3) | DEX (3) | INT (2) | CHA (2)


Exciting, Protective, Brave

Too cool for school

Reckless, Rude, Lazy

History: If there's one thing you need to know about Hemp, it's that he does not want to be at camp. In his mind he has much better, more interesting things to do with his time back home. Like hitting up the bars and jumping off rooftops into pools at 4 AM. Or doing speed in the bathroom with strangers. But no, he's stuck at Camp Whatever-It's-Called instead.

Thrilled would be the last way to describe it. If it weren't for Chuck convincing him to consider a position as he was dropping off his fiance at the camp, he absolutely would have never come. But Chuck made a few good points. After all, wedding singing and selling drugs on the side didn't exactly pay the bills. He had a wedding of his own on the horizon to plan for. A short-term, well-paying gig did sound appealing in that sense...

Even if it meant he'd be jammed at a small, hot desk for the next several months with not an inch of elbow room to his name.


- He swears like a sailor. Don't be offended if he calls you something rude. Half the time he means it in a friendly way.
- "Hemp" is just a nickname. Theodore is his real one, but only Mercy and Roxy know that.
- Yes, he will sell you weed any time, anywhere. Just don't be a snitch or you might show up for work the next day with a few missing teeth.
- Only listens to rock and roll. No exceptions
- He wears a promise ring on his necklace 
- He and Chuck are cousins!

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