saturnstock's avatar


tragic saturn
52 Watchers28 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)

Tools of the Trade
Photoshop 7, Ultra Fractal, Apophysis
There seems to be some confusion as to what my stock photos can be used for and some issues when it comes to commercial use. I have left the old rules up to be fair, but below are the new rules (which hopefully clear up any confusion artists might have).:bulletred: You may use my stock for DEVIANT ART PRINTS and PRODUCTS ONLY , personal or business web interfaces, school projects, offsite stuff such as avatars, Live Journal icons, and other NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES , as long as I am notified beforehand (so I can see your work for approval) and given credit as a stock provider.:bulletred: Show me your work by SENDING A NOTE to tragic...
anonymous's avatar
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:bulletred: Show me your work by SENDING A NOTE to tragic-saturn . I would love to see what you have created!!! I don't log into this account very often so I will get your message faster if you contact me there.:bulletred: Please, always give me credit in the description of your deviation by linking back to my stock account, saturnstock and link back to the original deviation.:bulletred: Do NOT use my stock in any works that feature racism, sexism, pornography, child/animal abuse or anything disgusting/illegal.:bulletred: You MUST digitally maniplulate my stock. That's what it's here for. Do more than just a color/contrast adjustm...
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 51

anonymous's avatar
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tansyuduri's avatar
may we use your stock outside DA?
saturnstock's avatar
Which one were you talking about?
I'd like to see your work first. :)
josho23's avatar
Used your stock here thanks
NessaSilverwolf's avatar
thanks a lot for faving [link] :)
Rachelevans1013's avatar
I used your stone celtic cross to make this stamp [link] thanks!
Astrayal's avatar
Thank you for the :+fav: on "Bastet: An Egyptian Goddess"