A Rude Awakening...SaturnGrl on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/saturngrl/art/A-Rude-Awakening-136155564SaturnGrl

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SaturnGrl's avatar

A Rude Awakening...



A Hero's gotta sleep sometime, right? For Magnus, he tends to sleep where ever he can find safety and comfort, and any survivalist will tell you that taking a roost up in a tree is a great way to protect yourself from wild beasts and ground hazzards...

Well it seems this time that tactic failed. While Magnus slept on the branch of this tree, Orchid the Viper just happened to be higher up in the leaves. She noticed the handsome bird sleeping below and decided to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Magnus soon awakens from an uncomfortable squeeze and tickle to the chin of his beak and finds himself in a very tight situation and provocative position.
He is completely pinned to the branch by the tight coils, and he knows that even with his legs free there is no way he can struggle out of her hold.
Orchid simply smiles as she leans over him, gloating with her hungry eyes while giving her prey a playful squeeze with her coils every so often to remind the magpie that he is at her will and mercy.

Oh...how is Magnus Magnus going to get out of this one? :D

A little gift for ~lol20 because I like his character Orchid the Viper. Snakes are awesome in my book, and I have friends who make some of the best snake characters that are lots of fun to draw!
Also, Orchids are my favorite flowers. ^.^

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Sonicfan2500's avatar
Looks like Orchid wants to give him some smooches.