Meet The Artist 2018 (Read Desc)SassyGhost on DeviantArt

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Meet The Artist 2018 (Read Desc)



Ello all, like, 4 of you! If you're curious about who I am then keep reading 👌

My name is Mimi,
I'm 14 years old,
I look like I do in the drawing shown above but like not as pretty?

I like: Babysitting, drawing, singing, video games, watching movies with my nonexistent friends, and car rides.

I dislike: social situations, Anxiety, messy people, being too hot or too cold, and scary things.

I just got my hair cut and now I'm planning on dying it blue.

I'm currently staring at a loaf of bread.

I might be slightly dyslexic.

I have 0.5 friends.

I just heard a noise and I'm home alone?? And a door I closed was open? If the police are reading this days after my murder just know I was too lazy to run.... Tell my mother I love her.

I've been drawing for about three or four years now but I only count how long I've been doing it digitally since traditional art is nothing like digital art and I had to basically relearn to draw. I've been drawing for one year by this rule.

I doubt anyone is reading this so I'm going to tell a short story or two.
I once met some drunk chick on Minecraft and she wouldn't shut up about wanting banana bread and more tattoos. Biggest inspiration in my life tbh.

When I was 5 me and my bff wanted a slide but we couldn't go to the park so me and him found a board of wood from my garage and put it up against a fence and slid down. Was not fun.

I once was at a restaurant with my family and when it was my turn to order i couldn't really tell what she was saying and when she asked "No ranch or honey mustard?" I thought she said "And ranch or honey mustard?" So I said "Yeah." I was thoroughly disappointed in myself when I didn't get any sauces. I damn near started sobbing with laughter at myself and my mom asked if I was okay. Sister asked for more sauce for me.

Pretty sure no one is reading this. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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© 2018 - 2025 SassyGhost
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ArtCrest's avatar
Jesus Christ y’a good