Den-den daikosashun08 on DeviantArt

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Den-den daiko



Den-den daiko is a japanese pellet drum, which can also be in found in China, Korea, Taiwan and Mongolia. In Asia, it was known as Children's toy or noise maker for street vendors and to celebrate New Year or other festival malls. I have this toy when i was a year old. It is said it is a symbol of welcoming a new born and use to drive away bad lucks. Mine has three tomoes on each sides but naruto has a spiral in front side.

This toy also use in kung fu (karate) which helps  the movement of our fists to the target to go in a straight line by swinging our arms like a drunken monkey, that's why they also call as a "Monkey Drum".

This scenes are my favorites including the sunny-side up battle (hilarious scenes of itachi and sasuke), The far reaches of hope and shisui uchiha. I've already watch Mecha- Naruto side story but i didn't like the story. It's too boring if you ask me.  Here's why

* Mecha naruto prefers "professor" as his creator and later on we learned that the creator is Lord Orochimaru
* It is more MNH (Mecha-Naruhina) than NH (naruhina). It looks like Mecha naruto likes hinata but the real naruto didn't. And hinata also likes mecha-naruto. You can see her reaction when Mecha-naruto is about to self-destruct.
* How hinata get into the finals???
* When naruto mentioned that Tenten can build another robot, i ask myself how on earth she became a tech expert? Does she builds robots before????
* And how Mecha-naruto survived in hinata's doll???

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (c) CC2
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1696x3224px 1.61 MB
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