The Lineart Tutorialsashas on DeviantArt

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The Lineart Tutorial



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This tutorial explains how to ink, as in where to make your lineart thicker and thinner, which really can be used for traditional and tablet users. Even if you have a tablet, or if you are a traditional inker this has some things that can help you. It has tips for people scanning in their lineart and some brush settings for tablet ppl. Then it goes over the path tool, and how to use it with different brush settings. NO TABLET NEEDED. I haven't tested earlier versions but I think I've used this method since Photoshop 7 and I've used every version of Photoshop since that version, so it should work for most computers.

Is there some way of automatically making the fade extend to the end of the path?
No, not that I know of there's no way to do this. You can always change the minimum width to a heigher percentage, and erase the end to make it tapper off. Or you can just go through the hard way an play around with the fade length in the brush window. Sorry ^^;

Why isn't the fade thing working D:
you have not gone into your brush window (F5 or window>brushes), gone to shape dynamic and switched the brush to 'fade' instead of pen pressure under size jitter. If you have not done this, it ain't gonna work. Also, mess with the fade value (the textbox next to the 'control' drop down menu. : )

I make my tutorials for free, but if you enjoy my tutorials and want to donate some funds for gas, art books and such, I would appreciate it. [link]

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nice sharing