Name(s): Alex/Sarspax [Sar or Sars is fine too)
Email me at to inquire about commissions!
Tip jar! If you like my work please consider supporting me!
Game designer, Worldbuilder, and Pandimensional nomad
Pronouns: They/them
Commissions information: Closed for now but info here -->
Requests: No
Trades: No
Places you can find my work:
Tools/Software: Photoshop CS6, Mischief,UE4, Substance, ZBrush, Maya, 3DCoat, Speedtree, Marmoset, WorldMachine
Software I'm interested in: Hexels
All of the creatures or beings in my personal work fall under closed species. I do not ever have plans to create adoptables for them with the exception of the Sovos. I'm fine with fanart of random members of any given species or specific characters, but please don't make your own. Thank you
Please do not copy, redistribute, print, or create derivative content or my work. I also ask that you do not use my work ESPECIALLY my original content for 3D modeling projects. I draw a lot but 3D modeling and game design is what I'm professionally trained in. Most of the original content I produce is directly part of or related to the games I am currently working on or will be working on in the future.
If derivative work is found please notify me first. Do not harass anyone.
PS: This is nothing personal towards anyone but unsolicited advice actually really stresses me out. Sometimes I want to vent or just give out a small blurb about what is going on with me. I'm not fishing for sympathy. If I ever need help I'm very explicit about it. I hate rejecting help or having to explain why something doesn't work for my situation. It doesn't feel good for either of us.