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...browsing tumblr for pictures of James McAvoy & trying then to paint him, while eating fruit salad and watching interviews of him and Michael Fassbender on youtube!!!

You know what?! One day my future husband (whoever this will be), will write a letter:
"Dear Mister James McAvoy,
stop being so perfect, with your adorable Scottish accent, wearing kilts, making great movies, and having a cute Snow White face! My wife just won't shut up about you.
a frustrated husband."

Painted in Photoshop Elements 8,
Time needed: Pfffff, I am staring at James McAvoy, do you think, I have so ordinary things like TIME in my mind?!

Comments and constructive critic more than welcome! As always.

Also, I HATE backgrounds!

Reference pic: <LInk soon here.>
J. McAVoy belongs to himself.
Art by me.
Image size
1015x1280px 1.04 MB
© 2011 - 2025 SarlyneART
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there should be a political party in which husbands whose wives have crushes on men such as James McAvoy, team together...not to destroy them but to learn how to be more like them!