Mister James McAvoySarlyneART on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sarlyneart/art/Mister-James-McAvoy-272913515SarlyneART

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SarlyneART's avatar

Mister James McAvoy



:la: I don't know, how YOU spent a day full of painful migraine, but I spent mine with...
...browsing tumblr for pictures of James McAvoy & trying then to paint him, while eating fruit salad and watching interviews of him and Michael Fassbender on youtube!!! :la::la::la:

You know what?! One day my future husband (whoever this will be), will write a letter:
"Dear Mister James McAvoy,
stop being so perfect, with your adorable Scottish accent, wearing kilts, making great movies, and having a cute Snow White face! My wife just won't shut up about you.
a frustrated husband."

Painted in Photoshop Elements 8,
Time needed: Pfffff, I am staring at James McAvoy, do you think, I have so ordinary things like TIME in my mind?! :XD:

Comments and constructive critic more than welcome! As always. :) :heart:

Also, I HATE backgrounds! :x

Reference pic: <LInk soon here.>
J. McAVoy belongs to himself.
Art by me.
Image size
1015x1280px 1.04 MB
© 2011 - 2025 SarlyneART
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GhirahimsRemlit's avatar
there should be a political party in which husbands whose wives have crushes on men such as James McAvoy, team together...not to destroy them but to learn how to be more like them!