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Deviation Actions
Nickname: Lottie
ee aa nCr nSpl nG
Grey on Palomino Splash
MW 024
Breed: Morozov-Warmblood
Suggested Discipline(s): Show Jumping, Cross Country
Import personality:
What’s that? Oh no! Your reins have been cut by the rein monster?! Oh no, that’s just Lottie, she likes to chew on them, uh, keep those away from her mouth, please? Lottie’s a pretty good horse with a couple of issues, Previously a farm horse, she’s seen a thing or two. When her family decided to sell their farm and move to the city they were originally just going to sell Dear Lottie off in a livestock auction. But, they saw what the headquarters could do for her potentially and happily surrendered her over to us! Getting to know Lottie has been a slow, steady journey. She’s a hard-working, no-nonsense type of horse, she’s kind and gentle with everyone of all ages. And will do her utmost to perform what you ask of her. She has no vices except some pawing at the ground when she’s tied but who doesn’t get bored? If you have peppermint, you’re her favorite human! With her strong legs and shoulder from pulling a plow, we decided to hand her over to one of our Showjumpers to see what she could do, and she excelled! It’s been two years since we took in dear Lottie and she’s proven multiple times she’s a winner! We are looking for a friendly stable where she can jump to her heart’s desire.
1. Me
2. memoriesofxar x Conner ||x
ee aa nCr nSpl nG
Grey on Palomino Splash
MW 024
Breed: Morozov-Warmblood
Suggested Discipline(s): Show Jumping, Cross Country
Import personality:
What’s that? Oh no! Your reins have been cut by the rein monster?! Oh no, that’s just Lottie, she likes to chew on them, uh, keep those away from her mouth, please? Lottie’s a pretty good horse with a couple of issues, Previously a farm horse, she’s seen a thing or two. When her family decided to sell their farm and move to the city they were originally just going to sell Dear Lottie off in a livestock auction. But, they saw what the headquarters could do for her potentially and happily surrendered her over to us! Getting to know Lottie has been a slow, steady journey. She’s a hard-working, no-nonsense type of horse, she’s kind and gentle with everyone of all ages. And will do her utmost to perform what you ask of her. She has no vices except some pawing at the ground when she’s tied but who doesn’t get bored? If you have peppermint, you’re her favorite human! With her strong legs and shoulder from pulling a plow, we decided to hand her over to one of our Showjumpers to see what she could do, and she excelled! It’s been two years since we took in dear Lottie and she’s proven multiple times she’s a winner! We are looking for a friendly stable where she can jump to her heart’s desire.
1. Me
2. memoriesofxar x Conner ||x
Image size
1024x768px 853.35 KB
© 2021 - 2025 SarKalasia
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The training image is done :)