Ohm and friendsSarcasticFeather on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sarcasticfeather/art/Ohm-and-friends-574933878SarcasticFeather

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SarcasticFeather's avatar

Ohm and friends



Well, that took more than I expected ;w;

Because Ohm listed his friends in his happy thanksgiving video, making my job much easier 8)
Here's the list (in somewhat order):
Mini Ladd - www.youtube.com/user/MiniLaddd
Lui Calibre - www.youtube.com/user/YourHeroe…
Moo Snuckel - www.youtube.com/user/BnBENTERP…
CaRtOoNz - www.youtube.com/user/CaRt0oNz
VanossGaming - www.youtube.com/user/VanossGam…
H20 Delirious - www.youtube.com/user/H2ODeliri…
BasicallyIDoWrk - www.youtube.com/user/Basically…
Daithi De Nogla - www.youtube.com/user/DaithiDeN…
I AM WILDCAT - www.youtube.com/user/W1LDC4T43
GassyMexican - www.youtube.com/user/GassyMexi…
Ohmwrecker (duh) - www.youtube.com/user/MaskedGam…
MathasGames - www.youtube.com/user/MathasGam…
BryceGames - www.youtube.com/user/BryceGame…
EatMyDiction - www.youtube.com/user/EatMyDict…
ChilledChaos - www.youtube.com/user/CriousGam…
ZeRoyalViking - www.youtube.com/user/ZeMachini…
SeaNanners - www.youtube.com/user/SeaNanner…
Mr Sark - www.youtube.com/user/TheMrSark
TheRPGMinx - www.youtube.com/user/TheRPGMin…
RitzPlays - www.youtube.com/user/RitzPlays
CaptainSparklez - www.youtube.com/user/CaptainSp…
AlpacaPatrol - www.youtube.com/user/alpacapat…
LDShadowLady - www.youtube.com/user/ldshadowl…
PewDiePie - www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie

Ohm is such a sweetheart btw <3

Art, Cat-tube designs (c) meh
Youtubers (c) themselves
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1105x936px 1.61 MB
© 2015 - 2025 SarcasticFeather
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kalibeak's avatar
o rany, ile postaci ;o;
podziw, ja nie wyrabiam jak już są trzy, a tu //liczy// jest ich 25
propsy (y)