Favourite Visual Artist
Salvadore Dali
Favourite Movies
JC's Avatar, Kamikaze Girls, Lion King (dont judge me!), Jrassic Park 3, Transformers
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
*shrug* whatever I'm in the mood for
Favourite Books
The Hunger Games, anything Tolkin or David Eddings, The Giver, Divergent, Uglies series, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe/David Eddings/Suzanne Collins/Tolkin
Favourite Games
Legend of Zelda, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Golden Sun, Soul Calibur IV , Fable 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
XBox 360, DS
Tools of the Trade
Tablet, Comp, Sewing stuffs, Photoshop, a tastey bevrage and an endless supply of boredom.
Other Interests
anime, cosplay, Bonzai, movies, music, giant robots, animation, Sukka