Ikki Attaaaack!santheas on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/santheas/art/Ikki-Attaaaack-137536868santheas

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santheas's avatar

Ikki Attaaaack!



My 100th Deviation! Woo! o3o Never thought I'd reach that one. >>;

Once again, Icarus, with his new haircut and as an adult. This drawing was started some time in July, but because of my shoulder injury, I was unable to finish until now (and I had to draw his heinously evil-to-draw new hair because of the reset). e__e;

Drawn and coloured in SAI
Effects done in PS7

Icarus & ART © :iconsantheas:
Image size
1172x1374px 826.36 KB
anonymous's avatar
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trooper 117...am i to believe this is a reference to the game halo? or is it completely coincidence. anyway, amasing pose and lighting! the color and clothing are original!