DuckySanguineEpitaph on DeviantArt

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SanguineEpitaph's avatar





Everyone, meet Ducky. c:
Like Fishy, Ducky is a practice digital drawing. I've been working on it for about 4 days. :o Actually, I need to submit it so I STOP working on it, because every day it's getting changed and I think it's getting worse than what I originally had. :shrug:

I used an Alchemy sketch for this one too, but it's very...abstract. o_o

I know this is lacking stuff, and I subliminally know what stuff that is. Next time I'll try to avoid making it so messy. :c

I hope you can give me feedback! :dummy:
Also, fun fact, I drew this facing the other way originally, and then flipped it horizontally to check proportions. I ended up liking it so much more facing the right that I kept it that way and finished drawing. xD

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1920x1005px 1.16 MB
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Astrikos's avatar
oo! I love the style and details! A very unique design. I like the eyes.
