Joshua MoonstarSand3 on DeviantArt

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Joshua Moonstar



If and when Elixir ever gets pulled off the shelf again, I want him to be introduced as 'Joshua Moonstar'. It would not be necessary to explain it, in fact it would probably be better to let it pass by unexplained, and the people who are familiar with the character would say "oh, good for him," and the people who are not familiar with the character wouldn't even notice.

Also, Valkyrie!Josh, this needs to happen. For serious. He's the adopted son/brother of a Hel-Valkyrie, he's been touched by Hela, he's close to being a god of life and death as of his last level-up. Make him a Valkyrie, it would be awesome. (And make the other Valkyries a little unsure whether or not they should be calling him 'sister'.)

For reals, guys. Boy-Valkyrie, you know you want this.

Pose reference came from :iconthemalenudestock: (not linking directly because it's nude and I ain't having a thumbnail increase my rating).
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Little-BookwormDKM's avatar
Interesting design and backstory, Nice!

Yes, I do.