
Why me? [comic idea I had]

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samygfreitas's avatar

Literature Text

Damien is sitting on the sofa while Miles is laying on his lap reading a book.

Damien, looking at Miles, thoughtful says:

- You could be with anyone...

- Hm?

- You could be with a woman who likes books like you, a man who likes your nerdy movies... why did you choose me?

- Well there's actually no logical reason, I just like being with you and that's enough for me.

A moment of silence takes over the room.

Damien, blushing and trying to cover his face answer:

- O-oh... I was expecting a more sassy answer or something.

Miles sarcastically: Do you like it or not?

- Yep that's just right.

that's a comic idea i had featuring miles and damien (my ocs). i didn't think i would actually draw that one day so just not to "waste it" i decided to post here as a literature. maybe, but only MAYBE, i'll make an actual comic about it.

© 2025 samygfreitas
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weirdest0username's avatar

Aw these two are so cute lol ^^