I will Mostly get around to putting more art in here,right now
I don't have a scanner OR pen tablet at this point but if you want to look at stuff i'm interested in check out my favorites.
Oh whenever I have a good idea for and ID I will post it
Current Residence: Marzipan City
Favourite genre of music: Rap Hip Hop,Pop some R&B, Classic Rock, And everything almost
Favourite photographer: Camp Lazlo And Chowder
Favourite style of art: 3-D Art
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: i-Pod Nano (Touch) A CD Changer
Shell of choice: Which one There are to many Shell Gas Station's.....
Wallpaper of choice: Get your own
Skin of choice: What Now it's Racism??
Favourite cartoon character: Samson, Finn, Lumpy Space Princess, Flapjack,Chowder, Gorgonzola, Beaver Cop, Rigby
Personal Quote: WHATEVER IT'S 2009!
Hi are you doin ok?
Hey been doing okay been tired during the day recently I've also been searching for new platforms online look for new friends. I did ask a question on Thursday about something but really haven't gotten it out sadly.
That's good, what platforms have you found so far if any?
What do you mean by you asked a question?
Hey what's you been up to?
What kind of sports?