Since I was little I've loved art. When I first decided to try and develop my art skills I began by drawing anime, mainly Avatar the Last Airbender. Those pictures are all on another account which is guarded by dragons and man eating pigeons in a secret cave in Narnia which will never be seen again. I love video games, books, manga, and bluegrass.
If you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to send me a note!
New I.D. by !!!
Of course not! That's immoral!!!
No way, too afraid to get caught!
Hasn't everyone?
Only once!
Takes time to browse through random deviants art and favorite everything you like.
Look only at the most popular deviations.
Look only at unappreciated deviations.
Rarely favorite things until you find a persons art you really like and flood their inbox by liking EVERYTHING!
Wait... there are other people on this site?
I'll only fave peoples things if they fave mine first.
I'm a ghost. They'll never know I was even here.
I'm a potato.