The Virgin Suicides,Lolita (1997),Frida,El Greco,Leon The Professional,Dead Man,Cry Baby,Sucker Punch,Alice in Wonderland,Stoker,Amelie Poulain,Clockwork Orange
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?I could listen to a babbling brook
And hear a song that I could understand
I keep wishing it could be that wayBecause my world would be a Wonderland
Copied from :icongiorgakis132:1. For each of the first 20 people answering this journal, I will put their avatar, and the three deviations I like most from their gallery, on the list!2. If you answer, you have to do the same in your journal, allowing this idea to spread. The idea behind this is not to get a free feature, but to spread art around to everyone!3. Have fun!1. :icon3ddream: :thumb151254390: :thumb195019912: :thumb77117625:2.:icongiorgakis132: :thumb328221474: :thumb295075200: :thumb331985885:
1) Tell you something I learned about you by looking at your DA page.2) Tell you a color you remind me of.3) Tell you what element I think you belong to (Water, Fire, Air, Earth).4) Tell you what comic, book, movie, or video game character you remind me of.5) Ask you a question, and you must answer.6) Tell you something I like about you.7) Give you a nickname. Yeah, I can't do this one because I'm terrible at giving nicknames so...let's make it I'll tell you what animal I think you are like!8) Tell you the object that is to the left of me.9) Tell you what food/ flavor/smell you remind me of.10) Tell you to do one in your journal too! Yay! ...