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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
My Bio

I'm crazy :]

Current Residence: The moon... or somewhere near Florida? =]
Favourite genre of music: anything;; mostly rock!
Favourite style of art: any kind, as long as it gets my attention =]
Operating System: Windows XP
Wallpaper of choice: anything with style.
Favourite cartoon character: Spongebob Squarepants [[when Stephen Hillenburg was in charge]]
Personal Quote: "Never give up, Never give in."

Favourite Visual Artist
Kay Ruane :)
Favourite Movies
Armaggedon, Little Mermaid, Wanted.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Avril Lavigne, Paramore,a nd Shakira
Favourite Writers
Stephenie Meyer and Darren Shan.
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, Brush, pen and ink....etc.
Other Interests
Drawing, Painting, Music, books, friends, and love.
I cannot even come close to how disappointed I am of myself, and how much you guys must be on me. ESPECIALLY on my "Sasuke's Return" manga, I can't believe It's been two years, and I left you guys hanging like that! It's no excuse, but I've been caught up with life so much and I'm not going to bore you guys with the details. I just hope I can be forgiven and again, I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything in two year, and haven't logged in general:'( Life has indeed been a roller coaster for me. I graduated high school! I've been to WA, and pretty much try to live life. I've lost a little part of me so I had to get out there. Yes, I am sti...
anonymous's avatar
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Argh! I'm struggling so much right now! Thank god there's no school or I'd be dead of over-whelming. Anyway, there's this contest in this long distance school I'm taking called "Art instruction schools". I've been up and down with ideas of what to draw. First prize is a schoolarship!!! God knows I want one so badly. But I can't think of anything that will BLOW THEM AWAY! I can't and is killing me D': The due date is: June 30! Arrghh!!!! I can't think of anything that will impress the judges big time.. Please give me support guys :( Believe in me! :' DI CAN DO IT..!!I CAN DO IT!!I CAN DO IT!!!
anonymous's avatar
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This is Love

0 min read
:love: This is Love :love:I hope you guys like it.  :hug:He makes me smile and I never get tired of being with him. He's like my sun in a dark day all the shadows are gone, I'm happy again. What is this feeling? Even if I'm blind, He will open my eyes. If I'm deaf, He'll be my music for the day. and If I'm mute, He'll say "!" and say back. When he holds my hand I get a tingly sensation, is hard to explain I just can't give you a demostration. My heart pounds faster and faster when I see him, He is the master the creator of my new heart only for him to cherish and love, forever and ever... I hope this is our future together. I...
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Profile Comments 425

anonymous's avatar
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RuetheFox's avatar
Happy B day!Tienala la 
queenofcats81's avatar
rony9293's avatar
hello as these....... I would like to know friends of another country I am from Ecuador my name is this way Rony to learn English
AshNee-chan's avatar
Thank you for the watch my dear :hug:
SakuraAngelTears's avatar
my pleasure<3 You should upload more of your drawings~ :)
AshNee-chan's avatar
I should.. shouldnt I? :/ Hmm.. Youve seen drawings I havent even put up on here. :D

Oh oh.. checkie your FB email :heart: