sakura517's avatar

sakura517 a majorly random fangirl.
39 Watchers158 Deviations

The Victim of Mischief~Chapter 2: The Party~ by sakura517, literature

~The Victim of Mischief~Chapter 1: The First Day by sakura517, literature

~The Victim of Mischief~Prologue: Chance Encounter by sakura517, literature

Strife's Story Prologue by sakura517, literature

See All

~The Victim of Mischief~Chapter 1: The First Day by sakura517, literature

~The Victim of Mischief~Prologue: Chance Encounter by sakura517, literature

Strife's Story Prologue by sakura517, literature

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Artist // Student // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (40)
My Bio


Favourite Movies
Avengers, Twilight Saga, Thor, Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America, and more!
Favourite TV Shows
Supernaural, DNAngel, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Bodacious Space Pirates, and more
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Vic Mignogna
Favourite Books
Too many
Favourite Games
Professor Layton Series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Bamboo pen tablet, pencil, pen, sketchbook, and my mind and imagination!


0 min read
:iconAllyCharms:My new profile is AllyCharms! I shall be taking things down here and putting them up over there! So don't be scared if you don't see your favorite work here! It's on my new page! I shall be only taking my best work from here and taking it over to there!Thank you so much for all the support for all these years. I really needed a better profile and a more professional look. I would delete all my old deviations here, but it would be a pain to go through all the pages and take them down one by one. So my new profile is up and running! Go ahead and follow me there if you want! This page shall now serve as an archive for very old...
anonymous's avatar
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Hey guys! It's been a while.I have been doing some thinking lately and decided that I wanted to make a new and improved deviantart profile. And do not worry, current watchers! This account shall remain as an archive. I haven't been on in years and I need a new account anyway, so I think it's time I do it. I shall post a new journal with the link in here as soon as it's up and running. For now, I shall be making changes to this one and have it be an archive with links to the new one. I shall be following people over on that page and unfollowing all of them here, so don't worry if I unwatch you. I am only doing that because this account shal...
anonymous's avatar
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Dang. This is long overdue. So I went Saturday and Sunday as Loki. Which was awesome! Many were stopping me for photos with me and of me and telling me I was a cute/beautiful/wonderful/A+ Female Loki. I even had a photo with a female Thor and had many pics taken of us (not including me or her). And I didn't even know her! Saturday was the best day. I got there at 10 am and didn't get home until midnight. I went to the In Character Cosplay Challenge (which wasn't what I thought it was (did give me the opportunity to quote Loki's Stuttgart speech in 5 minutes)) and Cosplay Baggage. Sunday was fun too. I was there at 1030 and was home at 10 p...
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Profile Comments 247

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Hoki-Lokison's avatar
Happy Birthday gal! I hope your day is awesome. :party:
Hoki-Lokison's avatar
Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep,
At least fifteen people in this world love you.
The only reason why someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you
There are at least two people in this world who would die for you
You mean the world to someone.
Someone that you don't even know exists loves you

When you make the biggest mistake ever something good would come from it.
When you think the world has turned your back on you, take a look.
Always remember the compliments you've received. 
Forget the rude remarks.
So if you are a loving friend send this to everyone on your list including the person who sent it to you.
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you. 
Something good to you will happen to you at 12 in the morning and four o'clock pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. 

Send this to fifteen people in fifteen minutes!! 
Make someone else's day! Help get a smile on someone's face! Help someone out!<3 remember that your loved
=Fight for you
=Respect you
=Involve you
=Encourage you
(Big Grin)eserve you
=Save you

Send this to all your friends & me...... If you get 4 back you are liked but, if you get 7 back you are seriously liked.
lkcrafts's avatar
ty for the faaaav <3
zenmaster300's avatar
Thank you for the :+fav:!!! :)
Monicherrie's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch~!! :iconpuppyyayplz: It means a lot that you like my art :iconloveloveplz: Please do look forward to my future deviations~ Here, have some cake :iconcaekplz:
Flitzichen's avatar

Thank you so much for your support!
if you like my work, come and take a look at my facebookpage.…

i would be very glad for some likes <3