Wanna know my New Year resolution?Get fit.Yes, the typical goal. Well damnit, I'm working toward it!
One of my friend's and I have vowed to not eat candy or any junk food for 6 months, and to work out 5 times a week. Initially, we were doing one hour. 30 min cardio, 30 min weights. After a week of that, we went to an hour and a half. 30 min cardio, 30 min weights, 30 min cool down. We're going on our fourth week, and we're at two hours. 45 min cardio, 40 min weights, 5-10 min body weights, 20-25 min cool down. And holy, fucking, shit, do I feel great. I don't think we'll be upping the time anymore, since working out for two hours has been...