Spirit Dragon WarriorSaiyre on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/saiyre/art/Spirit-Dragon-Warrior-752410208Saiyre

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Spirit Dragon Warrior



Featuring Sen/Chihiro and Haku from Spirited Away! 

This piece is for a convention I'll be attending in September.  It's Colossalcon East, if anyone's interested.  I need some anime in my portfolio so I decided to battleready some of my favorite Ghibli girls.  Can't do fanart the normal way I guess!  

Edit: OCD perfectionist in me made some big changes.


Sorry I've been neglecting this lovely site.  Realized I was never notified of some of the notifications on here.  Thanks Android update.  I've gotten very busy and recently some family issues has risen so I'm on the hypertrain to stress city.  Since most of you guys rarely see the status I post, I would address my raffle here:  Thank you all those who have participated! Looks like we have a healthy 20 participants already and I'm over the moon about that.  The first prize has been unlocked and I hope we would be able to unlock the other two.  My plans will be forcing me out of the country for a couple of weeks, but the goal is to return July 20-21st.  Pending possible barriers, I may just extend the deadline for a few more days so I can adequately address the winners.  

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3274x4584px 4.98 MB
© 2018 - 2025 Saiyre
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Miitaa's avatar
Oh, so awesome! But what did she do to the poor No Face D: